CISN Display Software

CISN Display Installation

Version 3.14.050

CISN Display provides reliable delivery of real-time earthquake information, including rapid notification and ShakeMaps to critical end users.

System requirements:

This program requires Java 11 or later. The Microsoft Windows and macOS installers include Java. For Unix/Linux and Manual installations please install Java 11 or later with the OpenJDK from your OS distribution or from Adoptium.

This program requires a connection (HTTPS uses port 443) to the following: Installation options:
If you are experiencing problems or have questions, click here to contact the Service Desk.

Choose the directions corresponding to your operating system below.

Microsoft Windows 64-bit:
Click here to download the installer and select "Run" to download and run the installer.

If a "Run" option is not available, save the installer file to a folder, locate the installer file, and double-click on the CISN_Display_windows_#_#_#_#.exe installer file.

Microsoft Windows 32-bit:
Click here to download the installer and select "Run" to download and run the installer.

If a "Run" option is not available, save the installer file to a folder, locate the installer file, and double-click on the CISN_Display_windows_#_#_#_#.exe installer file.

Click here to download the installer and save the installer file to a folder.

Locate the CISN_Display_macos_#_#_#_#.dmg installer file and double-click on it.  Then double click on the CISN Display file that is inside of that archive.

Click here to download the installer and save the installer file to a directory.

After downloading, open a shell and cd to the directory where you downloaded the installer.  At the prompt type:  sh ./

Manual installation:
The program distribution in ".zip" form is available here.  After unpacking into a directory, use the runClient script or batch file to run the program.



This software was developed as a cooperative project of the CISN. Funding for this project was provided by Cal EMA, USGS, FEMA/OES Hazards Mitigation and Emergency Management Performance Grant Program, and the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Additional financial support was provided by Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. (ISTI). This software was written by and developed in partnership with ISTI.


install4j is the multi-platform installer builder that is used to create the installers.

Java profiler is used for development.

This page was last edited on 2025-02-19 by Kevin Frechette, Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. -